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Facts about Okro Water

Slicing fresh or frozen okra pods, letting them steep in water for a few hours in the refrigerator, is how to make okra water. Okra water is the liquid that strains out. However, the texture will differ from that of regular water. It can even be a touch nasty at times. “The water has a thicker, almost slimy texture because of the fibre and nutrients from the okra,” explained gut health nutritionist and creator of Holistic Health & Wellness in Richmond, Virginia Kaytee Hadley. The mucilage, or sticky substance present in okra’s green seeds, is responsible for its texture. Proteins, minerals, and polysaccharides, a kind of carbohydrate combine to form mucilage.

This mucilage is released when sliced okra pods are submerged in water, and that’s what you drink in okra water. These are some of the more well-known assertions regarding the health advantages of okra water, along with the scientific evidence supporting them. 

1. Enhances intestinal well-being Both soluble and insoluble fibre can be found in okra. Fibre supports a healthy gut microbiome, moves stool through the intestines to maintain regular bowel movements, bulks up the stool to facilitate passage, softens the stool, which lowers the risk of haemorrhoids, and lowers the risk of diverticulosis, which is the development of small pouches in the colon that can become inflamed.

Hadley continues, “However, we’re not sure if okra water offers the same health advantages as eating the vegetable itself.” 

2. Encourages heart health Okra’s soluble fibre has the potential to lower cholesterol. Cholesterol is bound by fibre and excreted from the body through stools. Additionally, lowering your cholesterol will lessen the risk of plaque accumulation in your blood vessels, which can cause strokes and heart attacks. However, it’s unknown how much okra fibre ends up in the water.

 3. Cleanses the body Hadley notes that okra water does provide two advantages: It’s got fibre and water in it. The body uses both fibre and water for detoxification.

• Fibre removes toxins from the body through your stool, and drinking water aids in the removal of waste and toxins from the body through the lymphatic system, the kidneys, and perspiration. Hadley counters that okra water isn’t necessary to obtain water and fibre. “Okra isn’t some kind of miracle detox food,” she stated. For example, you can consume a range of foods high in fibre and drink plain water. Foods high in fibre include items like: • Vegetables • Fruits • Complete grains Beans and other legumes; nuts; seeds.

 4. Encourages weight objectives Okra water can help manage weight in a few different ways. To start, okra has fibre, which makes you feel satisfied after eating. Second, if you replace sugary drinks with water, drinking water may aid in weight loss.

However, as no research has been done on the topic, the advantages of okra water and weight loss are currently only speculative. “I wouldn’t recommend that anyone expect to lose weight by simply adding okra water to their diet,” Hadley stated. 

5. Controls blood sugar Experts are aware that fibre aids in blood sugar regulation. However, preliminary studies indicate that the antioxidants and polysaccharides in okra’s mucilage may also be beneficial for blood sugar regulation. We are unsure of the impact, if any, that this research has on people because it was conducted on animals and in test tubes.

6. Encourages healthy sexual behaviour On social media, there is a suggestion that drinking okra water will improve vaginal lubrication. The mucus-like texture of okra water is said to aid in increased vaginal moisture production. However, there’s no evidence of this as of yet. Hadley concludes that the assertions made on okra water on social media are exaggerated. More investigation is required into its possible health benefits. Okra water is generally safe. But Hadley warns that if you consume a lot of it, the fibre in the beverage may irritate your stomach and cause bloating. This can be particularly true if you don’t often eat a lot of fibre in your diet. You should either stay away from or consume less okra water if it makes you feel ill.

Facts about Okro Water
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